Saturday, February 04, 2006

Luca's tram stop

Luca's tram stop
Originally uploaded by parisdelhi.
Hello all, well, another fine couple days here in chilly France. I

thought I should add the disclaimer to my editorial comments from my

last entry that I am of course not French (though I do my best) and

so all my comments are of course just my musings. Do with as you


Otherwise, I am enjoying this time for reflection about the future,

taking stock of where I have been and what I would like to do

careerwise next. Putting myself outside my normal space, in other

words outside the US (though of course one could do the same by

knocking on the neighbors' door or smiling at a stranger), helps to

shake up my thinking a bit, to broaden the field of possibilities as I

think about the future.

Hope everyone is well, out there,



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